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From The Garden

Today between other jobs at the house, I watered and weeded the Garden Yahweh gave me. As I relished the feeling of the dirt loosely clinging to the roots of the thousands of 3-inch-tall wild spinach weeds that I gleefully murdered, I reminisced about the old me -- who hated to thin my carrots because I didn't want to kill a single growing thing. I also meditated on the scriptures that encourage letting the wheat and the tares grow together. Clearly, there are times a weed is too close to a sought-after vegetable and they must be left to grow together until harvest time and meanwhile, we must trust Yahweh to strengthen the little veggie to overcome the pushy weed and to keep the tare's root separate from the plant designated for salvation!

Grow a Garden and Be Happy Forever


“Right now the purple sage is in full bloom, which means its essential oils are at their peak potency. Promoting longevity, sage restores failing memory in the elderly. (it also triggers fits in epileptics, because it contains thujone.) It has been used for centuries as an anti-spasmodic, astringent, antiseptic, antibiotic and sedative. The leaves are excellent for stimulating digestion, and an infusion of the leaves will help stimulate the liver, speed wound healing, stop sore throats, tonsillitis, mouth ulcers or gum disease, reduce salivation in Parkinson's disease, remove dandruff, restore color to graying hair, relieve night sweats during menopause and reduce lactation when weaning!”


“The flowers are wonderful in salads. Last year I soaked as many flowers as I could harvest in bottles of olive oil and they have provided me an excellent salad dressing oil. So today, when I got hungry, I went to the garden and got some sage flowers for use in a little salad. Thank you Yah!” 


“Olive oil is a big deal medicine in itself! So is Apple Cider Vinegar, which primes the digestive juices to get the most out of what you put in your tummy!”


Olive Oil, Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, Salt and Sage Flowers 


“This year I found organically-cultivated borage in a nursery and bought two plants for my garden. The plant was known in the Middle Ages as a virtuous herb that would revive the hypochondriac and cheer the hard student, that always brings courage. Modern research proves that the plant stimulates the adrenal glands, encouraging production of adrenaline to gear the body for action. Thank you for such a beautiful source of courage, Yahweh!”


Borage, as appreciated by Boo Kitty


Radish Greens


“My burgeoning radish and parsnip greens in the garden rows of root veggies certainly needed to be thinned today, so I nabbed a few for my salad. Chopped finely with a 1-inch wide green onion that I accidentally pulled up while weeding, the greens mixed nicely with the sage flower dressing to provide a refreshing salad accompanying my main course, which was brown rice, lima beans, borage leaves and browned ground buffalo meat (available now at HEB and raised out on the wild prairie without pesticides and antibiotics)!”

​“The "tabernacle" at right is my vision of the way Yah prepares a home for us... under the canopy of His provisions is shelter, and the two oil lamps and the tree of life guard the shelter where we can store up His Word in our vessels. As the garden that He gave me grows and the high-protein swiss chard and onions develop, I am changing up my salad recipes. Today, I picked borage leaves and flowers, processed them with carrots, garlic, apple cider vinegar and olive oil, and massaged that sauce into swiss chard for a nice salad beside my salmon patties and radishes. Those radishes from my garden are HOT, and the butterfly preferred the salad to the radishes!" 


Source material for information on herbs grown in my garden has been taken from The Complete Medicinal Herbal by Penelope Ody, published by DK Publishing Inc in 1993. That book was a gift that has really inspired my interest in holistic health!


CHAYAH | | Love + Faith = Peace, 963 El Camino Rd Waxahachie , TX , 75167 USA | Phone 8176293888

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